When & how much?


Our normal hours are 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday. We may be able to provide you with the fitting service you need a little later in the day or on a Saturday if it's urgent. Please contact us to discuss availability outside our normal hours. 

What will it cost?

All pricing is in $AUD and includes GST where applicable. If you believe that your fitting requirement is unique, please contact us before booking to discuss a custom session.
What’s included
Shoe Review

We typically allow 30 minutes for a comprehensive shoe review. The cost of your review can be offset against the price of new shoes purchased from us.


Bike Sizing

We typically allow 1 hour for a bike sizing session. The cost of your session can be offset against the price of a Dynamic Bike Fit if booked within 30 days of your sizing session.


Dynamic Bike Fit

We typically allow 3 hours for a comprehensive Dynamic Bike Fit. This session assumes one bicycle and includes basic mechanical work performed during the fit. It does not include the cost of parts or accessories. If extra time is required it will be charged in 30 minute blocks or part thereof at a rate of $65. If you have multiple bicycles of the same type, eg, road bike, we charge an additional $130 per bicycle to cover setup and labour.


The "I just need......" Fit

We typically allow 1 hour for this session, but if additional time is required it will be charged in 30 minute blocks or part thereof at a rate of $65. Priority is given to Dynamic Bike Fit clients so we may not always have time available to extend the session. You are welcome to book in for additional time at a later date.

