Why, what & how

Comfort, performance, resilience, happiness

Because these things matter......

Riding a bicycle should be a liberating activity that rewards your efforts with improvements to cardiovascular fitness and better overall health. It can be highly social and take you to unimaginably beautiful places.
Unfortunately, it is also an activity that requires a high degree of anatomical and functional symmetry and can expose the sometimes numerous asymmetries that most humans possess. Those asymmetries can challenge your comfort on the bike, detract from your performance, cause injury and compromise your happiness and enjoyment of cycling.
Even on a casual 1 hour ride you might turn the pedals many thousands of times. You may adopt a position that barely changes for the duration of the ride. You may increase the intensity and become fatigued, creating muscular and neurological challenges. All the while your weight is being supported by three small contact points. The pedals, the saddle and the handlebars. In our opinion, there is no other sport like it!
Overuse or repetitive strain injuries resulting from a poor position can be debilitating. A good bike fitter will work with you to understand your cycling and general activity history, They will ask you about your current and future goals and request information about chronic health issues and acute injuries that can affect your cycling.
Armed with that information they will observe you on your bike and seek to identify and remediate biomechanical issues through adjustments to your bike. Occasionally, they may recommend physical therapies to improve the function of your body and assist with your adaptation to the demands of cycling.
At The Bike Fitter we do all of these things and strive to achieve an optimal position for you, based on your body as it is today and the bike you ride. It is an evolutionary process though. People get older and their bodies change. Accidents happen and injuries create compromise. It is a journey and one that we understand. That's why we've made it our mission to work with you to create comfort, performance, resilience and happiness every time you ride your bike.

The Bike Fitter

Learn about the person performing your bike fit. We are friendly, curious and constantly seeking to improve our knowledge through industry courses and first-hand experience. Our focus is on our clients and ensuring that each bike fit provides an optimal outcome that addresses your needs. 

Jason Hurst

Jason has been a keen cyclist for over 12 years with a passion for both road and mountain biking. He developed a fascination with the concept of bike fitting after self-diagnosing numerous issues early on. Visits to Steve Hogg approved bike fitters over the last 10 years has resulted in significant improvements in comfort and performance on the bike. Jason has since completed several bike fit courses and is currently refining his anatomical and biomechanical knowledge with an Exercise Science degree at Griffith University. He loves to get out on his road bike and occasionally his MTB whenever he can, but you can also find him riding indoors on:
IndieVelo - Jason The Bike Fittr Hurst, and
Zwift - Jason 'The Bike Fitter' Hurst