Shoe Review

Bring your bike! Our shoe review is beneficial whether you are having issues with your current shoes or are looking to purchase a new pair. The review will include length and width measurements of both feet and an assessment of arch height and overall foot volume. We'll ask you about any foot issues you experience while riding your bike and perform a few simple assessments . 
We'll then seek to match you to the most appropriate among our range of shoes and insoles if you're looking to purchase. This service includes cleat fitting and adjustment and foot correction if needed. You can then put your bike on our trainer and test, test, test!
We typically allow 1 hour for a comprehensive shoe review at a cost of $130. You can offset half the cost of your review against the price of new shoes purchased from us during your session.

Step 1

Initial assessment

Please use the initial interview form on our FAQ's & Forms page to help us gather important information about you. We need to know as much about your cycling history as possible and your feet in particular to ensure our assessment and subsequent recommendations can be as accurate as possible.

How long have you been riding? How much and what type of riding do you do? Where do you ride? Do you own multiple pairs of shoes and which pair do you find the most comfortable? Do you use insoles other than those supplied with your shoes? We'll ask you about your short, medium and long-term goals and any training or complementary activities that you participate in.

Past and current injuries and chronic health conditions will also affect how your feet engage with the pedals and whether corrective measures will be required.

Step 2

Measure twice. Buy once

It is absolutely critical to ensure that your shoes are the correct size and width! That's why we confirm your size using our Brannock device and trace and measure both feet to compare to the manufacturer's sizing guide. For good measure (and no apologies for the bad pun) we also compare the manufacturer's standard insole to the trace of your foot or ask you to stand on it outside your shoe.

If you are purchasing new shoes, or if we recommend that you do, we will also ask you to try on the suggested model in an appropriate size to make absolutely sure they are the right size for you. Shoe size also affects cleat location so never, ever go a size up to accommodate wide feet. Always buy the correct size and purchase a wide fitting shoe if necessary. 

Our shoe review is also applicable if you want to purchase insoles or are concerned about foot related issues on the bike.

Step 3

Adjust and test

The final step is to fit or adjust cleats, insoles, shims or wedges to make sure you are comfortable and your foot is secure and stable inside the shoe. Foot instability can lead to a range of issues further up the kinetic chain. This include knee, hip and saddle problems that are sometimes seen as isolated issues. Foot instability can even contribute to back, shoulder, neck and hand discomfort or even pain in some cases.

Your feet and their engagement with the pedals via your shoes are critical to being able to ride comfortably and confidently and transfer power to the cranks. Any deficiencies in stability or proprioception will compromise this and potential cause or contribute to injury. Not everybody needs foot correction, but for those who do it can literally change your cycling life!