FAQ's & Forms

Here you'll find forms that are designed to obtain important information from you before your fit. Our FAQ's provide you with a list of things you need to know or do before you visit us. If you don't find the answers you seek among our frequently asked questions, you can always contact us.

Important information - please read!

Bike Sizing and Dynamic Bike FIt clients please use this link to fill out the initial interview form 

The more information you can provide before your fit session begins the more time we will have to observe you on the bike and make any necessary adjustments.

We will also provide you with a client health screening form prior to or during your initial interview to ensure that we obtain all information relevant to your fit.

Bring something to eat and drink!

Under-fuelling or dehydrating on a ride is an ugly experience. Second only to the subsequent torture of finding somewhere to buy enough sugary sweets, salty chips and sports drinks to give you half a chance of making it home alive. This is an undeniable fear among many cyclists who dread making the phone call of shame. Treat your fit session with the same respect and make sure you have the food and fluid you'll need for a few hours on the bike. You won't be riding all that time, but better to be safe than sorry. 

Clean your bike!

No-one likes working on a dirty or greasy bike! Your bike doesn't need to be in showroom condition, but we reserve the right to ask you to clean your bike before we bring it inside our premises. We'll lend you the cleaning gear if need be. Of course, that'll never need to happen because you love your bike more that you love your family...... probably. It's OK. We won't tell them.

What clothing should I wear?

Wear whatever you would normally wear when riding your bike. We want to simulate your riding experience as closely as possible. There's no point bringing bibs with an extra thick chamois if that's not what you normally wear when you get a sore backside. If you wear a variety of clothing then bring as much of it as you can. This includes shoes, helmet, gloves, sunglasses and any accessories you take with you on a ride. If you're partial to a dab or two of chamois cream then make sure you do the same for your fit session.

You can use our bathroom if you need to get changed before or after your fit. 

What type of bike can I bring?

We use a Wahoo Rollr indoor trainer for our bike fits. This provides possibly the greatest range of compatibility with road, gravel and TT bikes. If you have a mountain bike with tires wider than 2 inches then we may need to use an alternative trainer. In this case we will need to discuss your drivetrain and axle size to see if our Wahoo Kickr will be suitable.

At this stage our focus is on road and gravel bikes. We are happy to work on TT bikes to resolve biomechanical issues, but do not have expertise in aerodynamics.

Do I need to have my bike serviced ?

You don't need to have your bike serviced specifically for your fit session, but we expect your bike to be in good working order. Remember that you are paying for our time and it is all too easy to waste that time attending to mechanical issues that prevent us from completing the fit. This is far more likely to occur on a bike that hasn't been maintained properly. And no fitter wants to spend hours listening to your cassette tick, tick, ticking away because your rear derailleur needs indexing. Be kind to your bike and to us and make sure everything works before your fit.

How many bikes can I bring?

If you booked for one bike then please only bring one bike. You can book for multiple bikes if you need to, but additional bikes require additional time. If we haven't accounted for that additional time in your booking then it will affect the cost and may inconvenience other clients.

What if I decide my other bike is a priority?

Please bring whichever bike you booked in or contact us to adjust your booking. Seems obvious, but it is important that we know what bike we'll be working with ahead of time in order to plan effectively. Additionally, our use of the Wahoo Rollr indoor trainer eliminates most compatibility issues, but we'd prefer to not leave anything to chance. So no surprises please!

Can I bring my extensive saddle and stem collection with me for show and tell?

Of course! Everyone loves show and tell! There's no shame in having an extensive collection of parts that you've tried over the years. We've all been there. If you happen to have the part we need to achieve your optimal position then that's money you just saved!

What happens if we need to replace saddles, stems, handlebars, etc?

Our labour cost is included for work required to achieve your optimal position on the bike. For example, changing saddles, stems, handlebars, etc. Any parts supplied by us will be charged in addition to the cost of your fit session. We'll never get rich selling bike parts, but we have to cover costs and bike parts can be expensive. So definitely bring any spare saddles, stems and other parts with you and if we can use them you'll save some money.

Please note that we don't offer a purchasing service. If you have a preference for a brand or model that we don't stock you may need to source it yourself.

What if my bike has a fully integrated cockpit or aero seat post?

Fully integrated cockpits and aero seat posts are common on TT bikes and increasingly common on mid to high-end road bikes. This can present challenges due to the complicated routing of cables and/or the 'one piece' design of the handlebar and stem. Aero seat posts may be proprietary with no after-market options available. We always encourage a 'fit first, buy later' approach when considering a new bike. This serves to avoid, or at least minimise, the risk of needing to make extensive (and expensive) changes to a bike that doesn't allow for it. 

Ideally, we will be able to provide you with the measurements and advice you need to purchase appropriate replacement parts from your bike's manufacturer. 

If I need shorter or longer cranks what do I do?

At this stage we have chosen to not remove and install cranks and bottom brackets. This typically isn't practical during a fit session anyway due to time constraints. There are also complexities around crank, BB and frame compatibility that mean this type of work is best left to professional mechanics at your local bike shop. Unless, of course, you are able to do it yourself. 

If we determine that you may benefit from shorter or longer cranks then you will need to decide whether you pursue this change. As part of the Dynamic Bike Fit you are entitled to a complementary 1hr follow up and we can use this time to reassess your position with the new cranks.

What happens if we need parts that you don't have in stock?

If we determine that you need a certain part to achieve an optimal position and we don't have that part in stock then you have a few options. We will tell you what you need and provide as much detail as possible. If it's a normal stock item you can:
- wait for us to get more stock and we'll fit it for you, or
- purchase the part and come back to us to fit it for you.
Alternatively, you can:
- purchase the part and fit it yourself, or
- ask your local bike shop to purchase and fit for you, eg fully integrated cockpit.

Please note that we don't offer a purchasing service. If you have a preference for a brand or model that we don't stock you may need to source it yourself.

Do you do general mechanical work and bike servicing?

At this stage we do not do general mechanical work or bike servicing. Our focus is bike fitting and we limit our mechanical work to the adjustments and parts changes required to achieve your optimal position on the bike. 

Please refer to the "Do I need to have my bike serviced before my fit session" FAQ above to ensure time isn't wasted attending to maintenance related issues.

You should also read the "What if my bike has a fully integrated cockpit or aero seat post?" FAQ above. Some work is best done by a professional mechanic familiar with your brand and type of bike. We can discuss this with you before or during your fit.

Will I be working hard during my bike fit?

A Dynamic Bike Fit session will require you to pedal at a range of intensities. Sometimes for several minutes at a time. While there will be an opportunity to rest when adjustments are being made, your session may be tiring, whereas some riders may barely break a sweat. It's impossible to say how hard you will be working as "hard" is relative to your experience and fitness. You should be prepared to be a little uncomfortable at times in case your issue/s require higher intensity to identify and resolve.

What else do I need to bring with me?

Bring any spare stem spacers, TT elbow pad risers, etc that you have. It is important that we have all the parts we might need, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem, to safely adjust your bike.

Do I need clearance from my doctor?

You don't necessarily need clearance from your doctor to get a bike fit. However, if you have a recent medical clearance from your GP or a specialist, please bring it with you. It will help us understand any conditions that may affect your fit session. We will conduct a basic health assessment before commencing the fit in the interests of client safety. If you know that you have any chronic or acute health conditions please disclose them to your fitter. It is the responsible thing to do and is in your best interest and ours. We reserve the right to cancel a fit if we deem it unsafe.

What happens if we need more time?

Sometimes things take longer than anticipated. If required, an extension to the scheduled time will be discussed during the fit. We may be limited by other appointments, although we do try to allow for this with our scheduling. Assuming we have time available, fit sessions can be extended in 30 minute increments at a cost of $65 for each 30 minutes or part thereof. 

Dynamic Bike FIt clients are entitled to a 1hr follow up appointment at no cost to assess adaptations to the new position and make further adjustments if necessary. Ideally, this time would not be used to complete the initial fit, but this can be discussed if your budget or personal schedule require it.

What if I need to change the date of my fit?

The more notice you can provide the better. We understand that life coughs up a furball every now and then and we really do want you to come and visit us, so here are some options:
- If you need to change the date of your booking please contact us at least two weeks before your scheduled fit session. This gives us a chance to optimise our scheduling and try to accommodate your change without inconveniencing other clients.
- If you need to change the date at the last minute we'll do what we can to accommodate this. However, if this creates a clash with another booking then the other booking will take priority so that we don't inconvenience that client.

Note that if we have a waiting list it may be a while before we can book you in again.

What if I need to change the time of my fit?

The more notice you can provide the better. We understand that life coughs up a furball every now and then and we really do want you to come and visit us, so here are some options:
- If you need to change the time of your booking please contact us at least two weeks before your scheduled fit session. This gives us a chance to optimise our scheduling and try to accommodate your change without inconveniencing other clients.
- If you need to change the time at the last minute we'll do what we can to accommodate this. However, if this creates a clash with another booking then the other booking will take priority so that we don't inconvenience that client. 

Note that if we cannot have clients on the premises after 7.00pm so we may have to reschedule. If we have a waiting list it may be a while before we can book you in again.

What if I need to change the type of fit?

The more notice you can provide the better. We understand that your needs may change and we really do want you to come and visit us, so here are some options:
- If you need to change your booking please contact us at least two weeks before your scheduled fit session. This gives us a chance to optimise our scheduling and try to accommodate your change without inconveniencing other clients.
- If you decide at the last minute that you've chosen the wrong type of fit we'll do what we can to accommodate this. However, if this creates a clash with another booking then the other booking will take priority so that we don't inconvenience that client. 

What if I need to cancel my fit?

The more notice you can provide the better. We understand that life coughs up a furball every now and then and we really do want you to come and visit us when the time is right, so here are some options:
- If you need to cancel your booking please contact us at least two weeks before your scheduled fit session. This gives us a chance to optimise our scheduling and try to accommodate your change without inconveniencing other clients.
- Last minute cancelations are a pain for you and for us, but we understand that sometimes it can't be avoided. We can try again in the future, but if we have a waiting list it may be a while before we can book you in.

Will you do a remote bike fit via Zoom/Skype/Teams or a video?

We don't do remote bike fits. There are many compromises that will almost certainly result in a poor outcome. We need to see you in person to perform a basic functional movement evaluation to identify or verify issues that can affect your cycling and impact our ability to achieve an optimal position on the bike.

- we need to take measurements of you and your bike so that we have an accurate record for future reference, and
- camera resolution and frames rates are not good enough with web cams to allow diagnosis of fitting issues, and
- Even with high-end cameras or smart phones, the camera position, lighting, zoom level and other factors can create distortion or mask nuances that are essential to achieving an optimal position.

I can't visit you on the Gold Coast. Can you recommend a fitter near me?

If you are lucky enough to live near a Steve Hogg approved fitter then I highly recommend you contact them. We have used Steve Hogg approved fitters ourselves and their knowledge and attention to detail is exceptional. 

You can also visit the International Bike Fitting Institute website to search for fitters near you who may provide the type of service you require.

Can I purchase shoes, insoles or parts from you without having a bike fit?

Yes you can purchase select items without needing to have a bike fit. We prefer to see you in person when purchasing shoes and insoles to ensure that you have the correct size. We can measure your feet and potentially suggest alternatives if necessary.

Do you recommend any particular brands?

For bicycles, we will help you identify the bike that is right for you regardless of brand. We have no affiliation with any manufacturer and can assure you that our advice is truly independent.

For shoes, insoles, saddles, etc, we use and recommend what we know to allow our clients to benefit from our experience.

Do you offer a money back guarantee?

For Dynamic Bike Fit clients we do offer a 'money back if not satisfied' guarantee. You'll need to:
- follow any instructions provided to you during your fit, and
- don't readjust anything without consulting us first, and
- make use of the complementary 1hr follow up session between 1 and 3 months after your fit.

This provides us with a reasonable opportunity to resolve any remaining issues and gives you time to adapt to your new position before you decide whether you are satisfied or not.

Medical disclaimer

We ask that to the best of your knowledge, all information provided by you during your fit session is accurate.

You acknowledge that there are risks associated with any physical activity and that if you have any concerns about your ability to participate in a fit session you will consult with a medical professional prior to attending your session. You understand that your fitter is not a medical professional and any discussion of the information provided by you is not a diagnosis, recommendation for treatment or medical advice. Should your medical condition change, or you begin to feel unwell or otherwise unable to continue with your fit session, you will immediately inform your fitter.

Your fitter reserves the right to cancel a fit session or terminate a session that is in progress if they observe, or become aware of, anything that indicates a heightened risk to your or our health and wellbeing. This includes, but is not limited to, the potential for an accident or medical emergency.

Privacy disclaimer

For privacy reasons The Bike Fitter does not record, store or keep copies of your detailed medical information in any format, including the information provided by you in the client health screening form. That form will be provided to you before or during your initial interview for the purpose of collecting information that may be relevant to your participation in a bike fitting session. The information will be reviewed by your fitter and if appropriate, a summarized note made in your Initial Interview Form, which is a separate document. The client health screening form will then be returned to you to store for future reference or dispose of. Your completion of that form is entirely voluntary, but it will help to ensure a safe environment for us and for you.

If you object to us recording information related to your bike fitting session in the initial interview form please let us know prior to your fit session. This form is maintained in electronic format on servers managed by Fit Kit Systems and an electronic and / or paper copy will normally be provided to you at the conclusion of your fit session. Please note that objecting to us storing your fit information in this form will make subsequent sessions more time consuming and potentially more challenging. It will also inhibit your or our ability to quickly recreate your recommended position should you need to replace components or reassemble your bicycle.

We do not sell the information we collect and will not disclose your personal information to any other party without your consent.

Billing disclaimer

Other than email correspondence we receive from you we do not currently store your information on servers owned or controlled by us. We use third party service providers to help us provide services or administer activities on our behalf such as the provision of electronic forms for collecting bike fit related information and merchant services for the processing of payments. 

For payment processing we use Square for merchant services. The information you provide when making payments, such as credit card details, is entered directly into their systems in order to process the payment and complete the transaction.

To reiterate, we do not store your payment information and do not share it with outside parties other than our merchant services provider for the sole purpose of processing payments.